Archive for June, 2011

Possible link found between X-rays and prostate cancer

June 5th, 2011

Researchers at the University of Nottingham have demonstrated the relationship between certain past diagnostic radiation procedures and an increased risk of young-onset prostate cancer – a rare form of prostate cancer which affects about 10 percent of all people diagnosed with the disease.
Research, the first of its kind to report the relationship between low dose ionizing radiation from diagnostic procedures and the risk of prostate cancer, funded by the Prostate Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF) and is part of the UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study (UKGPCS). The results of this study have been published online in the British Journal of Cancer.
Results showed that men who have a hip or pelvic X-ray or barium enema 10 years previously was two and a half times more likely to develop prostate cancer than the general population. And it seems the link was stronger in men who have a family history of disease.
This research led by Professor Kenneth Muir, from the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health at The University of Nottingham, in association with Dr Rosalind Eeles at The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.
Professor Muir said: “Although these results indicate some increased risk of developing prostate cancer in men who previously had certain radiological medical tests we want to convince people that the absolute risk is small and there is no proof that the radiological tests actually caused one of the cancer.”
Four hundred and thirty one men, diagnosed with young onset prostate cancer – men diagnosed with the disease before age 60 – took part in this study.
Exposure to radiation is a part of normal medical procedures performed in 5, 10 or 20 before the diagnosis. Procedures included hip and leg X-rays, for example taken after the accident, and barium meals and enemas which are used to diagnose problems with the digestive system.
At this stage, the evidence linking diagnostic radiation procedures and prostate cancer is still weak. This study indicates that further investigation into this link should be done.
X-ray procedures used for diagnostic purposes to provide a very small amount of radiation per procedure. Its use is minimized in current medical practice. For most people X-rays do not increase cancer risk.

Is Often Thrush Mouth Cancer Signs?

June 4th, 2011

Sprue is a disease that is not dangerous, just because it is repeated (recurrent) which consequently is very disturbing. To find out the cause better known originators.
But if the sprue is because oral cancer can be very dangerous because it can cause death. In order to avoid the detection of cancer and how early detection need an adequate explanation. You should consult directly with the doctor.
Oral cancers arise due to growth or sores in the mouth that is not lost. Oral cancer includes cancer lips, tongue, cheek, floor of the mouth, soft palate and hard, sinuses, and pharynx (throat), can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated early.


Cancer Anal (anal)

June 3rd, 2011

What Affect Prognosis?
Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of healing) and treatment options.
The prognosis (chance of healing) depends on the following:
• The size of the tumor.
• Where is the tumor located in the anus.
• Whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.
The options (choices) treatment depends on the following:
• Stage of cancer.
• Where is the tumor located in the anus.
• Does the patient have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
• Is cancer settled after initial treatment or has come back again.
Determine staging Of Cancer Anal (anal)
Stadium-Stadium of Anal Cancer
After anal cancer has been diagnosed, tests are done to find out if cancer cells have spread within the anus or to other parts of the body.
The process used to find out whether the cancer has spread within the anus or to other parts of the body is called staging. Information gathered from the staging process determines the stage of the disease. It is important to know the stage in order to plan treatment. The following tests may be used in the staging process:
• CT scan (CAT scan): A procedure that makes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, taken from different angles. The images created by computers that are connected to the x-ray machine. Dye (dye) may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show themselves more clearly. This procedure is called computed tomography, computerized tomography, or computerized axial tomography. For anal cancer, CT scan of the pelvis and abdomen (stomach) may be performed.
• Chest X-rays: X-ray of the organs and bones inside the chest. X-ray is a type of energy beam that can pass through the body and over the film, making pictures of areas inside the body.
• Endo-anal or endorectal ultrasound: A procedure in which an ultrasound transducer (probe) is inserted into the anus or rectum and used to reflect sound waves of high-energy (ultrasound) of the internal tissues or organs and make echoes (echoes) . The echoes form a picture of body tissues called a sonogram.
There are three ways of spreading cancer in the body.
Three ways of spreading cancer in the body are:
• Through its network. Cancer attacks the surrounding normal tissue.
• Through the lymph system. Cancer attacks the lymphatic system and travel through lymph vessels to other places in the body.
• Through blood. Cancer attacked the veins and capillaries and travels through the blood to other places in the body.
When the cancer cells apart from the primary tumor (the origin) and walk through the lymph or blood to other places in the body, other tumors (secondary) may be formed. This process is called metastasis. Secondary tumors (metastatic) cancers are the same type as the primary tumor. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the bones, the cancer cells in the bones are actually breast cancer cells. The disease is metastatic breast cancer, not bone cancer.
The following stages are used for anal cancer:
Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ)
In stage 0, cancer is found only in the innermost lining of the anus. These abnormal cells may become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue. Stage 0 cancer is also called carcinoma in situ.
Stage I
In stage I, cancer has formed and the tumor is 2 centimeters or smaller.
Stage II
In stage II, tumors larger than 2 centimeters.
Stage IIIA
In stage IIIA, the tumor may be any size and has spread to:
• lymph nodes near the rectum; or
• adjacent organs, such as the vagina, urethra, and bladder.
Stage IIIB
In stage IIIB, the tumor may be any size and has spread:
• to the adjacent organs and to lymph nodes near the rectum; or
• to the lymph nodes on one side of the pelvis and / or groin, and may have spread to adjacent organs; or
• to the lymph nodes near the rectum and in the groin, and / or to lymph nodes on both sides of the pelvis and / or groin, and may have spread to adjacent organs.
Stage IV
In stage IV, the tumor may be any size and cancer may have spread to lymph nodes or nearby organs and has spread to distant parts of the body.

Beware … Phone Radiation Can Brain Cancer Leads

June 2nd, 2011

WHO World Health Organization recently warned the danger of radiation from mobile phones which are classified as “very likely risk of cancer.” The agency previously has conducted a review of the effects of electromagnetic waves on human health.
The Declaration is based on evidence in the study of those who use mobile phones extensively. Known, high intensity use of mobile phones resulted in an increased risk of glioma, a malignant form of brain cancer.
Conclusions drawn the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the body under the WHO, applies to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation in general, although most research in this area centered on the mobile phone.
The findings are the culmination of IARC meeting attended by 31 scientists from 14 countries to examine hundreds of previous research results that have been published about the cancer risks posed by electromagnetic fields.
Jonathan Samet, a scientist at the University of Southern California, who led the group stated, “There may be some risk, and therefore we should still look at the relationship between mobile phones and cancer.”
In the field of radio frequency refers to as “possibly carcinogenic”, WHO has put them equal with about 240 other harmful agents, including low-level magnetic fields, powder, and worked as a dry cleaner.
The report found no clear mechanism for waves cause brain tumors. Radiation from mobile phones is too weak to cause cancer by breaking the DNA, which led scientists to look for other causes.
“We found some common thread that tells us how cancer can occur but there are gaps and uncertainties,” said Samet.
Christopher Wild, Director of IARC, said that in view of potential implications for public health, there should be more research on long-term use of mobile phones. “Waiting for the availability of such information, it is important to take pragmatic steps to reduce exposure, such as hands-free device or an SMS,” he said.


What You Need to Know About Leukemia

June 1st, 2011

Leukemia is cancer that occurs in human blood cells. To find out about the leukemia, we must recognize first blood cells of normal and what happens if exposed to leukemia. Human blood consists of liquid called blood plasma, and three groups of blood cells. Groups of blood cells were differentiated into red blood cells, white blood cells, and pieces of blood.
White blood cells or leukocytes serves to protect the body against infection or other disease attack. Red blood cells or erythrocytes serves to carry oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues, and carry carbon dioxide from body tissues back to the lungs. The fragments of blood or platelets is important in blood clotting process.
When leukemia occurs, the body produces blood cells are abnormal and in large numbers. In leukemia, abnormal blood cells are white blood cell group. Blood cells which develop leukemia will be very different from normal blood cells, and unable to function like normal blood cells.
The cause of leukemia so far not known. However much research done to solve this problem. Several studies have shown that leukemia is more frequently attacked the men than women, and also in the group of whites compared with blacks. But until now has not known why it happens.
Some of the things alleged to be causes of leukemia such as the body often exposed to certain chemicals, radiation, and drugs (such as in cancer treatment), or because of abnormal chromosomes (as in Down syndrome). These materials can cause mutations and ultimately will affect the growth or white blood cell division process.
Symptoms of leukemia is usually characterized by anemia. Infection will be easy or often occurs because white blood cells can not function properly, pain or pain in the bones, and bleeding that often occurs because the blood is difficult to freeze. If not treated, it will lead to acute leukemia and eventually can cause death.
Treatment of leukemia may include chemotherapy with anticancer drugs, radiation therapy, blood platelets and plasma, and bone marrow transplantation.
Tues Cause Leukemia Discovered
The team found that both twins had abnormal praleukemia stem cells in their blood. The cell was able to “sleep” in the bone marrow or stem cells develop into leukemia. These results are confirmed by experiments using human umbilical cord cells.
“This research means we can test whether the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children can be attributed to the disappearance and the development of leukemia stem cells,” said Professor Tariq Enver of Molecular Haematology Unit at Oxford University, who led the research. “Starting now, relief efforts can be focused on efforts aimed praleukemia stem cells and cancer stem cells with existing drugs, or are we going to develop.”
Relief efforts that focused, according to Tariq, can avoid the side effects of cancer chemotherapy treatment of painful and sometimes even endanger the patient’s body condition. It is very important because it proved, Olivia, one of the twins who develop leukemia, suffered blindness in one eye due to an infection that can not fight his body during chemotherapy.
Scientists have tracked the possibility of pre-cancerous stem cells was a result of abnormal fusion of two genes that occurs during pregnancy the mother. This fusion produces a hybrid protein, a “mistake” that occurred at random genetic and causes the cell to be infected with leukemia. Genes taken from the twins and then transplanted into laboratory mice that confirm the existence of a direct relationship between genetic malfunctions of these stem cells and leukemia.
UK Donors who fund research, the Leukemia Research and the Medical Research Council, and Great Ormond Street Hospital stated very excited about the discovery and hope that continued research into efforts to prevent and treat disease.