Cancer Detection Through Breath

May 11th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply »

Scientists believe that one day could use a breathing test to detect the four most common types of cancer.
Researchers in Israel to build sensors that can identify chemical signs of lung cancer, breast, colon and prostate in a person’s breathing.
They believe further research could lead to “electronic nose” a portable that is able to diagnose cancer at an early stage.
The team from the Israel Institute of Technology, located in Haifa involving 177 volunteers in the trial. Some of them healthy and some have different types of cancer.
“This study shows that the” electronic nose “able to distinguish between healthy and bad breath. It could also differentiate between the breath of patients with different cancer types, “said Abraham Kuten professor, who led the study, as quoted by Sky News.
Kuten said when his team was able to confirm the initial results in large-scale research, the technology could be a simple tool for early diagnosis of cancer along with the picture. That could be an easy way to ensure and monitor the efficacy of cancer treatment and early detection of disease recurrence.


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