Soft Drinks Potential to Increase Cancer Risk

May 12th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply »

Everything that is excessive is not good. One is the consumption of carbonated soft drinks are sweetened. A recent study showed excessive consumption of soft drinks (soft drinks) can lead to pancreatic cancer.

A recent study in Singapore found that adults who ate two or more soft drinks (diet or regular sugar) in a week has the potential to pancreatic cancer two times higher than those who do not or rarely consume soft drinks. The researchers saw that the habit of consuming drinks that were given artificial sweeteners can increase insulin production which is the trigger the growth of pancreatic cancer.

Research conducted by the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, USA and National University of Singapore is taking 60 000 adult respondents, male and female, in Singapore. “The high levels of sugar in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body, which we feel has contributed to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells,” said Dr. Mark Pereira, a senior researcher who is professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota. But they found no effect of consuming fruit juice drinks packaged with pancreatic cancer.

The study, based on a survey of groups of drinkers of two or more soft drinks per week and the group not drinking soft drinks, still got a few disclaimers. One of them is the lack of evidence that the soft drink that is the main cause of the increased production of insulin that triggers pancreatic cancer. Dr. Susan Mayne, director of Yale Cancer Center Foundation, said consumption of soft drinks can also refer to other bad habits such as smoking and red meat consumption, which also can refer to pancreatic cancer. The same Dr disclosed. Colin D. Weekes, assistant professor of medicine at The University of Colorado Denver, United States.

However, consumption of soft drinks containing artificial sweeteners, it can lead to weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. Both the latter are closely related to the high risk of pancreatic cancer. It is better to limit any of your family in order not consumed excessively, particularly unhealthy, such as soft drinks.


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